Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 tasty high colories for increase ur weight

10 Tasty High Calorie Snacks for Weight Gain

High calorie snacks are great but it’s best to have a well thought out eating regimen, so you can plan and prepare your meals for the week. However, we’ve all had those times where we get away from our plan or fail to prepare a meal and we need something quick to maintain our caloric intake. Below are some suggestion for snacks you can have when you can’t get to, or don’t have time for a real meal. With that said, please keep in mind the importance of consuming regular balanced meals. I suggest using high calorie snacks like these to fill in the gaps.
Breakfast cereal – Cereal is a great tasting high calorie snack that you can take and eat almost anywhere; just remember to also pack some fruit and nuts. A 50 gram serving will give you about 185 calories. Some cereals can be full of added sugar and don’t offer much in the way of nutritional value, so instead you should go for a healthy cereal option like Special K. Check to see if the cereal contains ingredients like whole grains, oats, and has 13 grams or less of sugar, per serving. Also, who says it’s suitable to eat only for breakfast? You can have it anytime of the day, it makes a great night time snack.
Meal replacement shake – These are great and many different companies make shakes like these. Some of these meal replacements come in a powder form that you mix with water or milk; while others are already in a liquid form that you can drink whenever you’re ready. All of them usually have a good balance of all the macronutrients you need to support healthy nutrition.
Protein bars – Weightlifters have a notorious reputation for always munching on these or stocking their bags with these bars. I recommend trying a few different brands until you settle on a product that taste great, can be easily chewed and digested, and has sufficient calories and protein.
Granola bars – These are much cheaper than protein bars and sometimes they can be just as effective. Just compare the nutritional panel on each of them and find a bar that meets your needs.
How about a smoothie – You can make smoothies at home and take them with you or if you live in a city like New York with at least 2 delis on most city blocks, you can get someone else to whip you up one in a jiffy. Most of the shops or juice bars that make smoothies usually have some protein powder on hand and a bunch of other stuff that you might not have otherwise considered adding to your smoothie.
Ice Cream or a milk shake – Very tasty and plenty of calories in the form of carbohydrates, protein and fat. I suggest choosing a brand that is lower in cholesterol and saturated fat.
Bananas – This fruit is a good source of potassium, quick calories, and fiber. You can find bananas almost anywhere in the world, and at anytime. Have a couple bananas when you can’t get to a full meal.
Yogurt – Not only is yogurt full of protein; it’s a very valuable snack because of the active cultures (good bacteria) it contains. These cultures have been known to improve your digestive system and support a healthy immune system. When you’re shopping for yogurt be sure to read the label and only buy brands that contain “live and active cultures”. A suggestion is to add fruit and nuts to the yogurt as desired for even more calories.
A quick sandwich – It’s true you can make a sandwich out of anything: tuna, deli meat, peanut butter, etc! Another idea is to use wraps (like a tortilla) and spread out some salad greens, cheese, and meat and roll it up.
Doughnuts, brownies, or cookies – I am not by any means suggesting that you load up on sweets as your high calorie snacks, but when you can’t get to a real meal treats like these will help you meet your caloric goals.

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